Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Sunday, August 03, 2008
I am cursed
I think i am cursed to be playing in bands..
I seriously dun understand why am i so attached to band?! I never see a live band in my whole life until i am 19 but since i'm 15, i vowed to have a band and that is the MAIN reason why i wanna study music. Yeah, if my mum knows tat, she'll kill me..
Nobody influenced me, Nothing started the trigger. I just... cant help it :( I even got into serious depression after my first band disbanded.. and i nearly broke up with my BF... sigh...
Passion... yeah, i think thats the only word to use... I have the greatest passion and faith in band than any other people i have known so far... I will die if i stop playing band. And i hate that feeling, trust me. I do.
Well, for those who feel like havin a band or just wanna try out having own band just because it looks cool or fun or just out of curiosity.. yeah, try it~ wont do you any harm..
But dont forget that u will reach a time that either your band members dislike the way you do stuff, or they think they are so great and have attitude problems and do not commit themselves in band... You will know exactly how hard it is to form a band. Unless u just wanna take it as a hobby or to kill ur time. (The above are from the point of view of a band leader)
Yeah, having a band is a big responsibility. For me, it is like having a second BF, if u already have one, or having a pet. It's a huge responcibility. For me, it's not just for fun.
Because i am serious about it and it took a big part of my life.
For those who understand how i feel, welcome to the cursed island. For those who think it's dramatic and overboard, your passion is just not enough.
Because i dont just blutter out the stuff in my head. I do what i promised myself and the people around me, i dont give empty promises, i work hard and i aim high.
Still, its better be safe than sorry.
Choose the correct partner before u work with them, Do not fool around and waste people's time :D
Good luck!
Posted by
Les Miserables
8:53 AM
Thursday, July 24, 2008
My cat!!!
His name is...
芼 芼 (pronounce as MAO3 MAO3, means fur in chinese)
The reason i name him this is because of his fur... -,-''
It's really.... everywhere~
And i am so lucky that i found him... He's an expensive breed btw...

But i think soon he will turn into this.....

Next time if u are thinking of having a cat...
Try this breed... u wont regret XD
Except for the cost of food la.. they eat aaaaaaaa lot >.<"
Posted by
Les Miserables
11:37 PM
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Some random thoughts
There are lots of misunderstanding around my friends just because they posted some of their private thoughts to blogger and bla bla bla... u knw the story la..
I just dun understand why ppl got so worked up sometimes because of all these... well, if u feel that it is offensive, or even talking bout u, just dun click on the blog and read it la! haiyo~ is it that difficult?
PERSONALLY, i just feel that people have the tendancy to gossip. I think God somehow put some hormone or gene into human that ppl just cant help to gossip (I mean most of the ppl la, not EVERYONE). From wat i've observed from my friends so far.. i noticed that most of my friends like to talk about ppl, and most of the time, trash-talking bout someone he or she knows just because they ran out of topic to talk to each other. And, it is obviously effortless to capture the person's attention since gossiping is such a fun stuff to do and hence, the two individuals will have lots of talk about and eventually become close to each other. By trash-talking someone they know at the back. I wonder why? There are soooooooo many things u can talk bout, Life, Pet, Food, Movies... pttfff~ nvm, u got the idea..
Well, another thing. Posting up ur private feelings or trash talking bout ppl u knw (with or without puting the name on), will not solve any problem. For example, i used to write bout my feelings on my blog, especially about my relationship when i feel really bad and hope that someone will come and comfort me and stuff. Yeah, they will be ppl comforting me and stuff but they are just not my BF. And deep down inside me, i knw that the only person who can help me feel better is my BF because he's the trigger to all the emotions i was having. And most importantly, he stops reading my blog when i started using it as a media to complain. So, its useless. The most effective way to deal with it is to lay it out on the table and talk to the person concerned! Hmm...
Well, above are the experiences and opinions i have. So, dun get offended and stuff like that (really worried after seeing what my fren gone thru O.o")
So... ciaoz!
Oh ya, come support my gig!! hehehehe
Posted by
Les Miserables
12:10 AM
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Namo amitabha....
I just... dissected a fish (for my lunch).. for the very first time in my life~!!

Imagine i have to do this....
And this!!?
Ok.. mayb this is not really persuasive cos i cant find any really disgusting pictures on net...
But well, due to the fact that i felt the fish is actually staring at me...
I ripped off its head before i start cutting the stomach open..
I think i gonna be vegetarian soon
*gulp ~_~*
Posted by
Les Miserables
9:08 PM