Hokkien beng joining the competition?!(Opss.. shldn't judge ppl by the look huh? :p)
OKie.. now let me show u the competition venue~~It's on the 10th floor in Time Square (which is that first time that i actually walk to that area), just inside the food court...
I cant believe that i actually stayed in Times Square building for more than 20 hours!! OMG~~

The first task was given out by the MC of the day (the guy with a mic and black shirt), can see me at the end of the table? that's my team's table. Our team is EMPOWER~ wohoho... (~_~)
The first task is kinda easy. The only thing we need to do is ask people to sign up survey form for us. The only thing that the organizers gave us is one piece of survey form and RM 10.
So, i ran off like a crazy woman with my heels from 10th floor to 7th floor and to 5th floor, looking for photocopy shop. Finally... we found one that actually opens 8.30am.
Well, this picture us quite decieving... I AM the one who actually bargained for the price of the survey forms lo!! From RM20 for 500 pieces to RM10 for 400 pieces... pretty good huh?? :p I have the potential to be a full-time auntie! haha...
Guess what?! Our team got number two! only 1 mark away from the first team! and 60% of the survey forms are from me! (i never lie ok.. -_-)
well, the 2nd task starts right after the first one. Those ppl are crazy! they though we are some super human or something. And i must say that the lunch that they provide tasted horrible ~_~
In the 2nd task, we required to plan a street event to promote the Malaysian Today's newspaper. So, all the teams are asked to spread out and we have exactly 4 hours to prepare our proposal to the director of this competition.
This is the picture of the director(the lady with the red dress), beside her is the preson who wrote the blog, (http://www.youarehired.wordpress.com/) and also where i steal all the pictures from :p She is a gorgeous lady, very strict and knowlegable i must say.
After we completed the proposal, we need to approach the director to ask if she approve our ideas. So, when we confronted her, i was so nervous, although i am not the one who talked to her. It's because we will be kicked out of the game if our ideas were rejected for 2 times. Therefore, when she talked to us, she asked who contributed the 1st idea, then my team mate say is Hui Kee. Then she looked at me and say that she dun really agree with that idea. -_-" Ok, so we moved on to the 2nd idea, and she asked again, who contributed this idea. And again, my team mate said, is Hui Kee. So, she looked at me again, and said that this idea is not appropriate for this event -_-" Sooooooo, the 3rd idea, she asked again, who's idea is this, and my team mates looked at me and i chuckled. And she just realized that all the ideas are from me. She was impressed. And she told me that she very much appreciates me contributing the ideas and she said that i am very creative! haha~ But in the end she rejected 3 of my ideas, and accepts only 2.. :(
Wondering why no pictures for 2nd task??
Because the pictures they took, cant see my face!!
Iskh -_-"
And i wonder why they put up soooooooooo damn little pictures on the blog.. That day there are like.. more than 15 cameras there u know?! T_T they took so many of my pictures and they only posted those that cant see my face -_-
Ok ok, stop complaining and get on with the story..
So, the semi-final is to carry out the plan that we did the day before.
But!! on the day itself, on of my team mates vanished! he quite the game... more like.. he cant wake up that day... what kinda lame excuse is that?!
Anywyz, is was a total disastor. I made a mistake. I should have finish all the art work the day before, because on that day itself, there is no time for us to do all those. The reason that we din do that is cos we thought we are not suppose to do that because everything have to do it on the spot. And we were wrong. Damn. And my team mates go "what shld we do, Hui Kee?" "what to paint?" "what to cut?" They all drove me crazy. And yes, i was the youngest and i was leading the whole team, who are apparently Business and Marketing students -_-" WTF~ (and yes~ i am very proud of myself ^-^)

Other group hard at work too..
My team is kinda messed up at first but later, everything was set to go!

This is how i look lik, walking around Time Square for 5 hours!!!
I kept chanting.. pls dun let me meet my fren there pls dun let me meet my fren there pls dun....
Well.. we're not the only team tat look ridiculous thou :p
So, after 5 hours of running, shouting, kneeling, panting and scaring people.. The result is out...I was sent home :'( But the MC acknowleges my effort and the heart of willing to share my ideas with other people in front of everyone! I nearly cried... i was so touched *sniff*
Well, my fren, Ann Jee's team got into final~ they are pretty good i must say ;)
So, the only thing i got back home is this goodie bag, handed over by the director of this event. Sh said the same thing again to me~ She thank me for joining this competition and she said i was talented and i can go very far, jsut don't give up :)
I went home with lots of happy but tiring memories :) and i knew lots of frens too~ ^-^
Lesson learnt: Must always approach my client and ask questions. Never rely on anyone else eventhough they seems tough and clever. And most importantly, never rely on guys! And i gain 25% of confidence too!
Second lesson:
Never drink more than 2 cans of this thing in a day. Really make u go dizzy and woo-hoo!