Saturday, May 06, 2006

Funny mail..

A friend of mine sent this email to me...
And i find it quite interesting... ^-^
SiGh...unsatis again?

Again...output differ from input~~

Experiment3:The study of huikee sp. to produce chlorophyll-A,but not chlorophyll B or C.

The results were differ greatly from the theoretically result. It might to due experimental errorsSs such as erhm...such as...the specimen was contaminated by some unknown bacteria which indirectly causes the denaturing of the specimen. As such, the output was lowered due to the irreversible denaturing which lead to partial malfunction of the specimen.

Suggestion for future experiment is that to kill the contaminant bacteria with alcohol~~(haha drink more beer will do). Another suggestion is that to mutate the huikee sp. itself by ultrasonic wave(explore urself to more music i guess) plus UV light (maybe is some1 who light u up) so that it can produce muSicoPianOase (a type of highly effective enzyme) that can kill the contaminant bacteria itself and hence produce chlorophyll A instead of chlorophyll B or C like what happened in this experiment.

Therefore, no need to be so unsatisfied if you don't get what you expected, the important things is that you have carried out the experiment get the result, more importantly you learn what wrongs with you experiment (if you don't know, find it!).

Ok-finished my crapping haha :p. Anyway, hope u be happy always.
Aih.... Science student -_-"