Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Feast your eyes...

Come feast ur eyes with people with weird looking clothes and make ups -.-

Winner of best dress competition

Visual Kei people

People who took part in fashion competition

Haze + Miniature Garden

Drako' Zen

Feng Tau!!!

Bouncing Asian

Vocalist - Stif

Guitarist - Jay.. Yer! A Kua! >.< Guitarist - Kent Ang (Kentang?)

Ho chiak...

Lots of audience eh?

Vocalist - Michelle
Strawberry Jam

Vocalist - Jeremy
Jeremy again, with the crowd worshipping him

Ichiro a.k.a sexy thights
drummer - Terry
Vocalist - Moon
Moon and David
Me with random people :P

Me in Wa Lolita.. i was broke after i bought this!! T.T


Яeiki said...

Hui kee manyak comel in Wa-Lolita ~~ but still..... too skinny, u have to eat much ! and ah.......u need a pigpy hair style as u see in my blog ~~

why u no take photo with me that day ??? like that fair or not ???
你說拉! 醬子公平嗎????
buhahahaha~~ :P

Les Miserables said...


I malu wanna go take picture with u ma *malu*

Ok!! u help me do the piggy hair style when i perform on my Kopi Milkshake gig! deal?! :P